It’s our home, our playground, our pride and joy. 

Meet the owners:

We’re Todd and Stuart and we’re passionate about the part of Tasmania that we call home, a passion inherited from our father who embraced local stories and culture and produce for his whole life.

Proud owners Stuart Ashdown (left) and Todd Ashdown (right).

Proud owners Stuart Ashdown (left) and Todd Ashdown (right).

Our guests aren’t just looking for adventure. They’re looking for adventure with a hook.

(A big, tasty hook.)

They’re foodies through and through and they care deeply about provenance. If they can name the origin of their produce, it tastes even better. If they’ve visited the farm or grower in person, they feel extra privileged.

This goes beyond showing off: it’s about understanding and appreciating the authenticity of a vegetable, a fish, a truffle, a strand of saffron.

Unearthed Tours. Your Journey. Our local experience.